Cognition Research Publications
Trail of Time Cognition Research Publications
"Studies of informal geologic time learning at the “Trail of Time” in Grand Canyon National Park" -Semken, S., Dodick, J., Frus, R.,Wells M., Perry, D.,Bryan, B.,Williams, M., Crow, R., Crossey, L., Karlstrom, K. 2009
"Innovative Informal geoscience education on a grand scale: the Trail of Time exhibition at Grand Canyon." -Karlstrom K., Semken S., Crossey L., Perry D., Gyllenhaal E., Dodick J., Williams M., Hellmich-Bryan J., Crow R., Watts N., Ault C. 2008
"Timeline and time-scale cognition experiments for a geological interpretative exhibit at Grand Canyon." -Semken S., Dodick J., Ben-David O., Pineda M., Watts N., Karlstrom, K. 2009
Sense of Place Reference Documents
"Achieving Querencia: Integrating a Sense of Place With Disciplined Thinking" -Ault C. 2008
"Sense of place in the practice and assessment of place-based science teaching" -Semken S., Freeman, C. 2008
"Sense of Place and Forest Science: Toward a Program of Quantitative Research" -Richard Stedman 2003
"The Importance of Place: Advances in Science and Application" -Linda Kruger and Pamela Jakes 2003
"Sense of Place and Place-Based Introductory Geoscience Teaching for American Indian and Alaska Native Undergraduates" -Steve Semken 2005
"Sense of Place: An Elusive Concept That is Finding a Home in Ecosystem Management" -Daniel Williams and Susan Stewart 1998
"Navajo Pedagogy and Earth Systems" -Steven Semken and Frank Morgan 1997
Informal Science Education Interpretive Documents
"Innovative Strategies to Develop Interpretive Media for Paleontological Sites at Curecanti National Recreation Area, Colorado" -Koch A., Zichterman P. 2006